Moksha in Vishishtadvaita Philosophy English PDF Book Free Download | Tirumala eBooks Free Download

Among the four Purusharthas, ‘Moksha’ is named as Paramapurushartha. In one sense it is the freedom from the cycle of death and birth. In psychological sense, it is self realization and selfknowledge. Many a scholars, schools of Philosophy have defined Moksha in their own styles. The various Orthodox schools of Hinduism state their views in different ways like Moksha is a continuous event that extends from life to post-mortem. Likewise various Upanishads describe their own specific practice to attain Moksha. But this Vidya is beyond the knowledge and reach of common people. The Bhagavad-gita specifies on, what sort of persons reach Paramapada and the effect ofTriguna on man at the time of death. It states that Lord Sri Krishna is the only refuge who removes all sins and grants Moksha.

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